Find my area

Enter a postcode to see the administrative and statistical areas it sits within.


  1. This postcode search is based on the Central Postcode Directory (CPD) last updated in July 2024.

  2. The CPD is a list of postcodes in Northern Ireland. It maps the postcodes to a range of administrative and statistical areas including Local Government Districts, District Electoral Areas, Data Zones, Super Data Zones and Settlements.

  3. Addresses for most postcodes are located entirely within an area, but some postcodes straddle the boundaries of areas. The CPD uses the address closest to the centre of each postcode area (the postcode centroid) as a ‘best fit’ approximation. This means that some addresses in a postcode may be in a different area than allocated by the CPD. Further information is available on the postal geography and georeferencing in the CPD supporting documentation.

  4. The location of addresses (based on Pointer), postcodes and the boundaries of the areas can be explored in more detail using the NISRA Boundary Application.